June 27, 2011

Unknown joys
TerryJune 27, 2011 0 comments

There are things in life that we view as a necessary evil then along the way we realize that they aren't so, probably because we eventually derive so much joy, happiness and/or fulfilment from them, immeasurably more that we could ever have imagined.
One such thing is exercise, not the type where you feel like you are punishing yourself for all your lifelong indulgences but the kind that is self initiated and regulated with a trainer's guidance or better still, with Dr. Google's advice like mine.
I have not been able to go for my precious early morning jogs for the past two weeks because of an ankle injury the previous week and mid-semester exams last week. With these reasons now out of the way, I'm free, free as a bird to fly (well, not exactly).
You should have seen me yesterday getting my gym stuff ready, so excited one would have thought I'd be paid appearance fees, being the sapere I am!
Well, the morning session didn't disappoint. It was the best workout I've had so far despite the fact that I was not able to jog in the field thanks to the rainy weather and mud, the basketball pitch was a good enough alternative though. It made my day pure bliss. My heart couldn't help smiling (yes, a smiling heart) and I was looking forward to my classes, which as always were enjoyable and I wasn't dying for a nap when I got home as I usually do.
Who knew that yours truly would ever have lovely moments and bliss on a jogging track? I am truly the world's leading expert on ME.

Buenas noches mis amigos!
About The Author Ali Bajwa Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore. Magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Facebook and Twitter


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