I have not been able to exercise this week because of an ankle injury. I tried jogging on Monday but it flared up so the Clinician advised me to rest it for a week as I do upper body exercises. I am not usually able to do the other exercises without jogging first so I'm taking a full break till Monday though am thinking of taking a long walk on Friday afternoon.
I miss those 8am jogs in the field.
I was looking through the Library window yesterday and felt envious of someone (couldn't see who it was clearly) I saw coming back from their refreshing jog.
I have astounded myself with how much I am loving my healthy lifestyle, never thought I'd be this committed, no wonder I have been rewarded with 5 kilos off the scale, mmmmmhhhmm! There goes the 'W' word, huh!
I took my friends to the Red Cross tent in Campus to donate blood and I just couldn't resist the urge to weigh no matter how hard I have been resisting for the last three weeks.
Este estilo de vida continuará ........ this lifestyle continues
Buenas noches mis amigos!
About Me

- Terry
- I love life, I strive to see the positive in all situations. A good laugh keeps me going, my lovely kids as well. hoping to blog about mob stuff and keep it interesting !!! Mucho amor
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