When I started gymming on Tuesday, May 24th 2011, my attire was black track pants, a black sprite t-shirt I got from CocaCola and some navy blue ngoma rubber shoes I bought sometime back from Bata for a reason I can’t remember. Mmhhhmmm! Kinda dull but I had made the resolve to start exercising no matter what. I did not want to give myself excuses for not starting immediately, tomorrow never comes, you know! Gracias Adios the Mr. bought me a great pair of running shoes expensive too.
On resuming after the ankle injury and exams, I gave a mini face-lift to my gear, it’s now bright and bubbly, like me. No doubt the past three weeks has been exercisingly awesome.
Feng Shui goes on and on and on about how important colour is in every aspect of life. I used to think it was loads of blubber but now I’m of a different opinion and yes, it works! especially yellow.
When I was in the black apparel, I had to wait until someone (read guy) finishes to use an equipment before my turn and had to do the adjustments myself, not so many people said hi to me apart from those that I’ve shared classes with and no one was helpful when I was having trouble with a routine but OMG! All that is past tense now, ha!
The new colours seemed to have worked magic, or maybe it’s the short that has replaced the long mathee pants? or is it the fab yellow tee? I don’t know but I’m having the time of my life. I no longer wait for equipment to be unoccupied instead the offers to alternate have been overflowing and I don’t have to worry about adjustments (which was the cause of my injury by the way), it’s done for me, suddenly majority of the gym regulars are saying hi, some even chatting. Oh, and you should have seen three guys today, all trying to help me with a new routine that the trainer recommended, and the hi-5s when I finally got it right. I’m enjoying this, which woman wouldn’t?
Note: the above paragraph may contain some slight exaggerations.
Either way, I’m living in colour and taking advantage of all the little joys of life that it will afford me.
Add some colour to your life today and enjoy the moments and bliss.
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