June 28, 2011

One step at a time.
TerryJune 28, 2011 0 comments

Two weeks ago, a friend suggested that I do a facebook survey on what I should blog about, I told her I’d think about it. I have thought about it, not so much because I knew the answer in my heart and head at that moment just that I didn’t answer her then.

You see ladies and gentlemen, I write in this blog for me. Read at the top of the home page, it’s about me, my experiences and my opinions. 
Along the way, six people have chosen to follow my blog, I write for them too because they give me motivation and encouragement when I feel like maybe writing is not for me. Every time I log in and see their names, it gives me strength to even log in without posting anything but at least to never give up. 
There are countless people who read this blog faithfully or occasionally from all over the world, some I know, majority I don’t, some give feedback verbally or on the comments, some don’t but y’all are very important to my writing and so dear to me.

This blog for me is like a Chinese bamboo tree, ever heard of it? It takes quite a process to grow the bamboo tree, you plant the seed and you water it and cultivate the soil for FIVE years and then the bamboo tree that doesn’t break the ground in those five years grows over NINETY feet tall in just six weeks. Did it grow 90 feet tall in five years or in six weeks? It grew in five years! Because if you at any point of the five years you stopped tending to it, the bamboo tree would die in the ground.

I gladly take advice on my writing skills and what I can do to become a better writer but am not YET ready to seek which direction to take. That time is not here yet, but I am headed there.
I am being patience (against my usual self). I am overflowing with trust and belief that my writing is worthy, yet I’m giving myself time to mature my art, creativity, relentlessness, discipline of flow, thinking and focus. Right now I’m watering and cultivating my talent.
 I aspire to give quality and quantity; it will take sometime, not as long as the bamboo tree though! In fact I’m three quarter way there and I’ll definitely let you know when I arrive.

Walk with me, and it will make you proud of inspiring a phenomenal writer!

June 27, 2011

Unknown joys
TerryJune 27, 2011 0 comments

There are things in life that we view as a necessary evil then along the way we realize that they aren't so, probably because we eventually derive so much joy, happiness and/or fulfilment from them, immeasurably more that we could ever have imagined.
One such thing is exercise, not the type where you feel like you are punishing yourself for all your lifelong indulgences but the kind that is self initiated and regulated with a trainer's guidance or better still, with Dr. Google's advice like mine.
I have not been able to go for my precious early morning jogs for the past two weeks because of an ankle injury the previous week and mid-semester exams last week. With these reasons now out of the way, I'm free, free as a bird to fly (well, not exactly).
You should have seen me yesterday getting my gym stuff ready, so excited one would have thought I'd be paid appearance fees, being the sapere I am!
Well, the morning session didn't disappoint. It was the best workout I've had so far despite the fact that I was not able to jog in the field thanks to the rainy weather and mud, the basketball pitch was a good enough alternative though. It made my day pure bliss. My heart couldn't help smiling (yes, a smiling heart) and I was looking forward to my classes, which as always were enjoyable and I wasn't dying for a nap when I got home as I usually do.
Who knew that yours truly would ever have lovely moments and bliss on a jogging track? I am truly the world's leading expert on ME.

Buenas noches mis amigos!

June 20, 2011

Breezy Monday
TerryJune 20, 2011 0 comments

I stirred from sleep at 4am but couldn’t get back to sleep again, probably because I slept so early yesternight. I gave up the battle at 4:30 am and woke up to make my packed lunch and do some reading.
I made the sandwich, Yes! But the reading, mmmhhhhmmm, I thought of my exam schedule, decided am academically covered and got online instead.
huh! This talent of mine, sometimes it derails me, oftentimes it keeps me bubbly so am not giving it up any time soon.
My Monday started with little mishaps, a lean against dirty water on my cream top (I was banking on the rain to clean my car, it didn’t, at least not thoroughly), my water bottle spilled its contents all inside my bag on a rainy cloudy morning with no sun to dry it. Nonetheless, nothing would spoil my cheer.
I eventually got to some serious reading, revision actually, in the university library at 9 am of course interrupted by bouts of surfing on my phone.
I’ve just done my mid-semester exam, Literature – Poetry across Cultures. It was fantastic. I trust the others will follow the same trend. Either way, I’m well prepared though Advertising and Media audiences is giving me goose bumps but I trust in a higher power and who knows? It might turn out to be my best, will let you know on Wednesday.
I am looking outside the window, it’s like an African winter, I look within me it’s summer.

Oh the bliss! I love these moments.

The best Father
Terry 0 comments

I meant to post this yesterday but couldn't, my net was down, something to do with fibre optic or electricity or both. Better late than never ......
The best father in the world is one who respects the mother of his children and is her greatest friend, support and confidant. 

He provides for his family even when his shirt tatters. He protects his family from the hardships of life.
He makes time to be with his family, sometimes to just laze around the house but close to one another.
The best father in the world is one who is loved by his daughters to bits and admired by his sons in immeasurable measure.

The best father is one who has big dreams for his family, he does not always say them out loud but you can see them in his eyes and in his deeds.

The best father in the world is the apple of his mother’s eye, the pride of his father’s heart, the pillar of his children, the joy of his in-laws and the unwavering cheer of his spouse

The best father in the world is one whose integrity and goodness is so towering, words cannot describe.
There are two best fathers in this world; one brought me into this world, brought me up and has been with me all my life, sometimes frowning, most of the time smiling. The other man is married to me, the sunshine of my life, my best friend, the father of my children, the one who will enjoy my sunset years with me as we watch our grand children, and their grandchildren – all our greats.

 Happy fathers day to all phenomenal Dads !

June 18, 2011

my sato.
TerryJune 18, 2011 0 comments

I have just discovered a font am liking very much, adobe Arabic. I used it for my Avesta Poetry presentation on Wednesday, which by the way was very awesome. I had the best team this time.
I don’t know why Lecturers insist on group work coz I think they can make you a miserable donkey for two weeks or so but I guess a ‘Team’ spirit has to be encouraged in Campus for now and beyond.
Any who, today I am feeling a bit disoriented because of some things that didn’t turn out as I had anticipated them to. I’m not sure if it’s those things or me who is the dilemma ( I can be very controlling and  when things don’t go my way, I feel like I’ve been injured but am learning to let go since I can’t carry the weight of the world on my shoulders, Jesus already did that and I so love Him for it).
This is quite an academic weekend, with the mid-semesters coming up next week. I know I’ll ace them, I always do thanks to the work and smartness I put in but do I say.
I’m off to be taught a new song by the little ones, that will definitely lift my wintery spirits to summer.
Hasta la vista!

June 15, 2011

TerryJune 15, 2011 0 comments

I have not been able to exercise this week because of an ankle injury. I tried jogging on Monday but it flared up so the Clinician advised me to rest it for a week as I do upper body exercises. I am not usually able to do the other exercises without jogging first so I'm taking a full break till Monday though am thinking of taking a long walk on Friday afternoon.
I miss those 8am jogs in the field.
I was looking through the Library window yesterday and  felt envious of someone (couldn't see who it was clearly) I saw coming back from their refreshing jog.

I have astounded myself with how much I am loving my healthy lifestyle, never thought I'd be this committed, no wonder I have been rewarded with 5 kilos off the scale, mmmmmhhhmm! There goes the 'W' word, huh!

 I took my friends to the Red Cross tent in Campus to donate blood and I just couldn't resist the urge to weigh no matter how hard I have been resisting for the last three weeks.

Este estilo de vida continuará ........ this lifestyle continues

Buenas noches mis amigos!

June 14, 2011

Tuesday Thoughts
TerryJune 14, 2011 0 comments

I wish life was silky smooth, but it isn’t. I wish I could have everything I wanted and needed, loads of money especially, but I don’t always and sometimes I have to work extra hard and smart to get it. 

When life is like Thika road (tarmac interrupted by potholed sections, diversions and deviations), how do you get things going your way? It’s by taking the responsibility to make them go your way. It’s hard, I know, and sometimes the boulders are too heavy to bear or move but you can choose to climb over, or at least look around, take in the glorious scenery and SMILE, it will lessen the burden on your mind and heart.
Yes you can!

You can decide how your life is going to be and make it so; do the work that will determine how your life turns out. Take control, Take the initiative and you can make it so ~ Ralph Marston