December 4, 2012

Out of the box
TerryDecember 4, 2012 0 comments

Do I have the patience to do it? Do I want to take a path that I have never previously considered? Can I really afford it? Do I want to do it? How about the other thing I planned on doing?

These are some of the questions that ran helter-skelter in my mind, disturbing my peace. It all started when my Broadcast Scriptwriting lecturer challenged me to go a step further and turn my script into a film. You see, film making ranks very low on the avenues I want to pursue. To be honest, I only took the class because it is compulsory; I’d have opted for short television features – that I can do.  However, as usual with all my classes, I give it my very best. At the beginning of each semester, I purpose to enjoy and learn from all my classes. This is what I did and I have to admit, I enjoyed writing script more that I thought I would. I’m sure I learnt a lot too because my review didn’t have too many red comments, but film making?

I presented my final draft yesterday morning and it went something like this:

Lecturer: Are you taking a project class next semester?
Me: Yes.
Lecturer: I am willing to contribute my money towards the production of this script.
Me: eeeeh, uummhhm, eeh. I wouldn’t know where to find the cast.
Lecturer: I am serious Terry. Think about it, speak to Baba watoto and let me know.
Me: Yes sir, I will think about it.

I was flattered that this very critical man thinks my script is fantastic for a production. That was until the reality of production set in and the questions wouldn’t just let me be.

I shared the thought with the mister as we were going home in the evening. I told him about the resource and constraints involved in film making. I left the good that could come out of it. The thought of transforming my script into a film was scary.

But as the good book says “weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.”    I think today I woke up with my morning. I am seriously considering the challenge. I say considering because I am in a process, I have not reached the destination of a made up mind.

I have been answering the helter-skelter questions in equal measure. Yes, I have what it takes. Ye s, I can still do my earlier planned project and take on the production as an independent film. And who said I cannot get funding to do the film? Haven’t I always expressed my wish to be a media entrepreneur / job creator rather than a job seeker? This might be the beginning of a mogul.

I am realising that I have put myself in a box of future plans yet my future is as grand as I would dream of it to be, it is unlimited!

The things that hold you back are finite and limited,
yet the dreams that push you forward have no such limits.
~ Ralph Marston


I am purposing to speak to myself of the possibilities and opportunities that producing my script  hold, and I know I’ll get there!







December 1, 2012

TerryDecember 1, 2012 0 comments

I was writing a post two hours past my deadline then baang! I hit the wrong button and it all disappears so just say the serenity prayer with me

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

November 22, 2012

5 Things That Keep Us Forever Young
TerryNovember 22, 2012 0 comments

1. Cultivate self awareness

Know who you are then bring it into oneness the body, mind and deeds because our soul does not want us to be in conflict or ill!

2. Laugh

Laugh…because it feels awesome! It spreads good vibes everywhere and it promotes
loads of yummy sensations and vibrations throughout the body. Yeah!
3. Sing (or at least speak with passion and heart).
Sing, hum, chant, cry out…just let it out. 
Don’t be afraid, there is no right or wrong. We are born with this beautiful
instrument; our voice. 
We are meant to use it. Speak with love and inspiration…it’s pretty much the same
as singing.
Also, it feels good. Don’t hold it all in…let it out – it’s good for you!

4. Move

Bad posture can lead to really deformed spines. Bitterness can lead to a permanently
miserable looking expression on one’s face. As long as you’re alive, move. Even if it’s
just wiggling your fingers, your toes and your nose…just keep moving!

5. Love

…it all. That includes and really starts with you! Make a conscious choice to love
everything…the good, the bad and the ugly. It keeps you more filled with joy, as 
opposed to hating it all, which will just make you old, bitter and dis-eased!
embrace these five things everyday
and enjoy eternal youth!

August 30, 2012

Being 30
TerryAugust 30, 2012 0 comments

One day, my sisters-in-laws and I were having a good 'girl' time while sharing snippets of wisdom. They are much older than I am and so we often don't have the same opinion on how to handle certain issues. One of them said something about the ability to let go, I wondered out loud why I would let by-gones be by-gones especially with someone who has/had offended. My sister-in-law just chuckled and said I would see her perspective in future. She added that she wasn't always of the opinions she now held but rather, they are a result of wisdom over the years.

Well, the day has come, I share a lot of her opinions. Not because we are closer in age, we will never be- but because I have been through the school of life and experiences. I am no longer that hot-blooded young girl who dished as equally as she got. I no longer retaliate in equal measure but rather let my ' niceness' be the prosecutor and jury. I have no time or space in life or heart to carry other people's burden. I am living my life baggage free, from now henceforth.

As I approach the 3-0, I am at peace with myself. I have no regrets, neither will I hide from anything no matter how tempted I might be. My teens were a crazy adventure and my 20's tumultuous , my 30's will be another story - A time to let Terry be Terry

I am counting my blessings, being 30 is the greatest!

June 29, 2012

It all happens for a reason...
TerryJune 29, 2012 0 comments

Here I am sitted in my Eiffel tower, enjoying the bliss and waiting for the D-Day, Yeeeeaah! I did it!
Another comes, shows me building erros and cracks in my tower, Oh no, I'm going to faint. How now? Why now? But I was relaxing my head and feet in the clouds without realising one of my core builders was present in body, not so much in workmanship :) I start to worry and run around, get to do a little bit of disaster preventing, sealing of the cracks and total rebuilding of some walls.

I'm glad somebody noticed this early, I would have been swallowed next week. It ain't pretty nor easy, but I'm getting to it myself, I'm getting my hands dirty.

As I reflect, I realise how grateful I am that the error was noted. I can't handle the noise and the heartbreak that would have happened.

Thank you God, I am giving thanks in this tough situation. At least I have the two Leutinants I knew would have my back in this project with me, Bless their souls.

When D-Day comes, all will be well because now I'm firmly of the ground, so are my feet and head. I can afford to :)

In every situation  give thanks

June 25, 2012

Multiple Sources
TerryJune 25, 2012 0 comments

I was reading this month's issue of Parents Magazine in the salon as I had my hair braided. One of the articles that really struck me is on financial freedom - having multiple sources of income (MSI). MSI is where you have various ways that money flows in to your bank, or mattress, account.
The author writes that MSI is how billionaires go from being rich to being wealthy. Even Tele-evangelists have MSIs - the viewers-  that is why they drive big cars as you tarmac after 'planting a seed'. Interesting, huh!

The article really got me thinking ... I want to move to a better  neighbourhood, take my children to better schools, travel all over the world e.t.c Yet with the calculations I have done, my salary prospects and that of Mr., all these things are a pipe dream and will need some sort of miracle like someone throwing a bag full of dollars over my fence, or money raining in my backyard. But with MSIs, it all seems possible now.

I am going through my old diaries and files dusting all the business plans I had when I was younger. I gotta get on the MSI train for me to able to accomplish my financial dreams.
According to my online search on the MSI concept, In essence, MSI does not advocate having lots of work to do at the same time, rather it emphasizes letting your money work for you. You just have to set it up, and once it is up and running, you can relax and enjoy while your money grows on its own.

Jeremy Enke says "the benefit of having multiple streams of income is that you can constantly change your focus and give more effort to the revenue streams that are performing best for you at the time. Nothing is better than receiving several payments each month from various business ventures. Undoubtedly many of an entrepreneurs new projects or experiments will fail or produce negative Returns On Investment. If your diversified and have these multiple sources of income however your business should be able to absorb the losses on the smaller projects."

The way to go about it if you are employed is stay in your job whilst it provides you with a steady paycheck. But whilst you are gainfully employed and using your monthly savings to build up your investment assets, consider too how you can make use of your skills, talents and abilities outside of your working hours.

MSI is a powerful concept and can make significant impact on our lives if we apply it. It is not necessary whether we learn it from a wise and wealthy person. As long as you have appreciated its importance, begin practicing it now, at least from where I stand.

June 22, 2012

Mid-Year re-evaluation
TerryJune 22, 2012 0 comments

I have a vague idea of what my new year resolutions were. I'm sure I can even find a blog post on that somewhere here, but ... moving along ...

I have to admit, no matter how embarrassing and difficult it is, I have some nasty habit that I still haven't gotten over. I need to stop, take stock of my progress this year then strategise on how to proceed. I am not a strategy person, never have been, but I gotta do what I gotta do to 'kill' these habits and move on towards the next half year victoriously!

Just read some tactics I could use to get me there  hopefully I'll faithful to them and see how much progress I make.

May be the way to go about it is make it like project objectives; Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic and Timebound. Yeeeah, I think that's what I'll do.
God give me the strength to overcome,once and for all!

May 29, 2012

Women: the real power?
TerryMay 29, 2012 0 comments

I have just read this tweet:

"@xyzjohndoe Women will never be as successful as men because they have no wives to advise them. Discuss (20mks)"> NO #thewifesadvice

First reaction: whaaat? Are you trying to say that we (women) are lagging? After calming down, I realized the tweet actually holds water.

Today my lecturer came to class late, looking dishevelled and with grandiose stains on the pits of his shirt. After class, my friend Rhoda and I were chatting to another classmate who came in today for the first time. In ‘updating’ her, we told her all about the lecturer, his family, his teaching methodology and all he had told us about himself. Her first response was “You mean he has a wife? He wasn’t dressed like he has!”We went on to explain that his wife was in the USA. 

FYI - My lecturer doesn’t always dress like that, usually he is very smart but I guess today was a bad ‘dress’ day. The new student was nothing like you’d imagine based on her comment. She is young, smart, urban and clearly upwardly mobile.

These two instances (the re-tweet and lecturer’s dressing) I think are in tandem. Whether we should let it be so or not is a whole different argument. So, we (women) rule the world, from the back end at least!

May 20, 2012

Keeping on
TerryMay 20, 2012 0 comments

Doing a mental review of my 2012 resolutions. I'm doing good, yeeeah! However,,,, it seems there's one area that I'm really slacking on. I have enough excuses to justify why, or not, but I hope to get to it sooner. in fact, after I'm done with this post, mmmhhhmm.

May 9, 2012

Life's lessons
TerryMay 9, 2012 0 comments

I have learnt a lot of lessons the past month, and some enforcements to what I already know. Biggest of them all, be frugal within reason. Money is not meant to dictate what I buy or not, it is a tool (platform) that I have to enable me (and others) enjoy the comforts of life.

Travelling and living in a different culture surely widens ones knowledge and outlook in life, it has mine! so I'mma keep gallivanting around the globe.

April 6, 2012

opportunity, gratitude and blessings
TerryApril 6, 2012 0 comments

Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgivings, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings. --  William Arthur Ward 

I recently joined a yoga class in campus. One of the things that our yogi emphasizes on is the attitude of gratitude. Being grateful for things we take as "ordinary' such as gift of breath, the oxygen we inhale and the ability to exhale CO2. 
Gratitude has become a part of what now comes automatically to me. Inhaling the good of life, being able to exhale the not-so-goods while being grateful for everything that comes my way.
It is something (gratitude) I always strive to do, though now it's like an enlightenment that empowers me to create my own destiny. 
I am counting my blessings one by one and acknowledging what the mighty God, who I believe in, has done.
John Marks Templeton in his book Wisdom from World Religions: Pathways toward heaven on earth says that "Gratitude can be a powerful magnet that attracts increasing blessings to us—love, joy, opportunity, health, friends, material good. Those who are grateful
This week has especially been a week of opportunity for me. I was blessed to be part of a great team with fabulous people, doing what I have always wanted to do. I return, I will commit to the endeavour.
I the opportunity to learn, grow as well as contribute to a worthy cause!
Gratitude is not only the greatest of virtues , but the parent of all others. ~~ Cicero

March 27, 2012

Pide, Cree, Recibe
TerryMarch 27, 2012 0 comments

cualquier cosa que pides en razo, creyendo, lo recibes así lo dice el buen libro.

Descrubi que la manera facil ayer. Gracias a Dios que lo hizo. Ahora yo se mejor y nunca miedo a preguntar cuando estoy en la necesidad.

Buenas noches amigos :)

March 23, 2012

Grabbing the second chance!
TerryMarch 23, 2012 0 comments

I am not perfect neither is any mortal man. Often time I stumble, but getting up and dusting off is what makes me live a worthy life.

Someone who is close to me is having the opportunity at a second chance. They seem reluctant to take it up. I did my part in persuading them to jump in because I wish I had the same opportunity many years ago, things would be different, I'd probably be better off than I am today.

I seem to have have convinced them, or so I hope. 
My mother always says "our God is a God of second chances." And as you know, Mom's are always right! 
I belong to her school of thought - to identify an opportunity to correct an earlier occurrence/event/error e.t.c.

Nobody can go back and start a new beginning,
but anyone can start today and make a new ending.
  -Maria Robinson


March 21, 2012

Frustration - Mr. wolf dressed up as Mr. sheep
TerryMarch 21, 2012 0 comments

It is frustrating, sometimes I feel my eyes about to give way to a stream of tears. This week has been emotionally and time draining.

I won't tell the sorry story because I'd like to get over all this civil service shenanigans. I just wrote this post as therapy.
Yesterday I took a whole 250ml tub of blueberry ice cream as therapy, I now have a running nose and scratched throat :(
I'll just stick to blogging, it has no side effects

February 5, 2012

Music amidst Pain
TerryFebruary 5, 2012 0 comments

It is said that what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger. Stronger for what ? to do it again? me don't know.

Yesterday I went to the dentist for the first time ever, at least in my adult life. To say I was terrified would be an understatement. I was shaking like a leaf in a windy desert.
I noticed sensitivity and pain in my right lower jaw molar about a week ago. Having seen other people wriggle with teeth-aches, I decide there and then I would deal with my wisdom tooth pronto! That's why Saturday a.m. I was at the Dentist's.

One touch of my tooth with his tools and my reaction was enough for him to conclude the tooth could not be repaired, it had to go OUT! Apparently the farthest teeth are like upper and lower twins so the upper wisdom tooth also needed to be checked. And yeah!, it turned out like the lower twin, it also had to go. At least the left ones are not related, sigh!

I had been psyching up to have the lower molar removed rather than filled to curb future problems but when the dentist gave his verdict, my bladder became full. Before I was prepared for the extraction, I had to pee :-( The short of it is that I'm now less two molars, I'm not gonna miss them.

Being an invalid is new to me, bed rest a foreign concept and the healing period excruciatingly painful but I've discovered how to deal with it mara moja. Any who,  the incapacitation has holed me up but it hasn't been that bad. The good thing is, I'm learning to meditate and enjoy classical music. During the painful fits, I googled on what I can do to lessen the pain, discomfort and sleep well. I stumbled upon music therapy as a recommended tool to ease pain and promote relaxed healing. I was willing to try anything and I'm glad I did try the music.

Now am feeling well and the pain, if at all there is any, is bearable. I look deep into my soul and meditate upon acres of proverbs.

If you ever feel stressed, in pain, insomnia etc etc, try some calming music. I am witness to it's power to make you feel better but above all, trust in Jehovah Rapha, God my healer.

Pain free Sunday,

January 31, 2012

I'm not sparing the rod
TerryJanuary 31, 2012 0 comments

Proverbs 13:24 ~

Whoever spares the rod hates their children,
   but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them.(NIV)

Living in Africa is such bliss. There are many things we can afford that even the Kardashians can not. For instance, a live-in nanny to herd the brood after madam has popped them, heck! we can even afford two. Second and most important for the sake of this post, we (I) can physically sort the bad manners out of my kids behaviours. That means, I will not, shall not, can not, be in the business of raising brats, not when I can cane the ill manners. Get me right, like my Momma used to say, it's nothing personal.

With my modern (read Western) education and political correctness, my 9 year old son will not even sniff behaviour that I disapprove, atleast for now. You know, this boy is my one and only son, the one to ensure I live long even when I am gone translating to he is special to me. But amenizoea!

I will not delve into the details because I don't want to feel guilty for the tough love.   A Mom gotta to do what a Mom gotta do!
The downside is boys will always be boys so I won't be surprised or offended where he reverts back to his old ways. But at least he'll never forget who is the diva of this casa!

January 25, 2012

Scared straight.
TerryJanuary 25, 2012 0 comments

Today I woke up feeling skeptical and unsure, a little scared too. I had an appointment with my doctor to review my test results for a scare I wanted checked out.
We had to be sure it was nothing to worry about; that explains my morning feelings. I had contemplated postponing the appointment but hubby urged me on and go I did.
I'm so glad I went because it turned out to be nothing, Amen! After leaving the doctor's office, I felt like a new being.

As I was driving to my other shughulis,  I thought to myself that the scare may have been a blessing in disguise. You see, 2012 I decided is the year for a renewed and fabulous me. Lately, I have been falling off the track to achieving what I'm aiming at. But this scare though it is now behind me has helped me re-focus. Now I have resolved to stay on the path I set out and I'll keep at it.

Sometimes when bad things or obstacles come our way, it could signal better things ahead so my Mom keeps saying and I believe her.

Whatever doesn't kill you only makes you stronger!

January 17, 2012

The unspoken joys of motherhood
TerryJanuary 17, 2012 0 comments

count your blessings name them one by one
count your blessings see what God has done

One of the greatest blessings of my life is children. Words are not enough to say how invaluable they are to me and how happy they make me feel. I gotta tell yah, motherhood is special!

Mommy and her angel boy

Mommy and her angel girl

Nothing beats motherhood!

January 5, 2012

Africa through our eyes
TerryJanuary 5, 2012 0 comments

I came across this video on and I listen to it over and over again. It's good to see Africa through an African's eyes; to perceive Africa through an African's perception.


January 1, 2012

Feliz año nuevo
TerryJanuary 1, 2012 0 comments

 This far the Lord has brought me. I am destined for greater things in 2012

Have a blessed 2012, Xxx