November 26, 2011

Boredom is a state of mind
TerryNovember 26, 2011 0 comments

Today has been a boring day for me, really boring. Right now I'm supposed to be at an Argentinian Tango exhibition at the Tribe, Village Market. I have been looking forward to it for a whole week but now I'm too bored to go.
Of late, I have noticed that I barely go anywhere, simply because am too bored. I had decided to be taking salad during school days lunch and value-add with a walk to the fruit bar but I've never done that. I get too bored to get out of uni unless going home and I get even more bored to show my ID to security at the gate ass I come back in.
I have assignments to do, my room's thorough cleaning is waaaaaay over due, I have this blog. In fact if I did all the things that are due, I wouldn't even have enough time to pee. But here I am feigning and tweeting boredom.
I was walking into my room to force a nap when it hit me, maybe boredom is a state of mind!! Aha! I just got on my blog and now I really think is boredom a state of mind!

 “Never be “Bored” it’s a state of mind that waste’s life!” – David King

Which translates to boredom is a waste of time and life yet I have the choice to a different state of mind!

Now that am writing this, It's like my boredom has been cured! Come to think of it, had I blogged earlier (on any subject), I'd be done by my Spanish reading assignments earlier. 

I'm never getting bored again, especially not at home coz I end up eating unnecessarily just to kill the boredom!

November 23, 2011

TerryNovember 23, 2011 0 comments

Leaders aren't born, they are made. And they are made just like anything else, through hard work. And that's the price we'll have to pay to achieve that goal, or any goal. 
~ ~Vince Lombardi

Of late, I have found myself in situations that test my leadership skills / qualities. There's a little evil voice that keeps questioning if truly my team and I will manage to fulfill our mandate and successfully so. But then there's the stronger voice that reminds me I was selected from a large pool of applicants in a competitive process and offered a higher poster than I'd applied for. I choose to listen to the latter voice because it is the voice that I trust and believe in.
However, I acknowledge distractions will always be there, sometimes confidence will wane, but I am determined and working towards success.
I want to build a powerful team to ensure a powerful brand. I want to excel in all areas of my life, after all, I am my own leader before I lead others.

Hold yourself responsible for a higher standard than anybody expects of you. Never excuse yourself. 
~ ~Henry Ward Beecher

November 5, 2011

A Kenyan is a Kenyan is a Kenyan !
TerryNovember 5, 2011 0 comments

In Africa as in other parts of the world, communities living near a country’s borders tend to stretch between two countries. They are however not dual citizens because their loyalty lies on only one side of the border. It is as a result of such circumstances that there Kenya Somalis and Somalia Somalis and both are authentic to their respective nations.

A good example of these across- border communities presents itself clearly in the case of the former Vice President, Moody Awori whose blood brother is an opposition MP in Uganda. Does this make us speculate of their ‘origin’? Nooooo!

Why then are we victimising Kenyan Somalis just because they share an ethnicity with others across the border?
Today as I was watching the news, I realised that in fact we should be concerned and advocate for security of our Somali brothers and sisters. Instead we refer to them in derogatory terms and stereotypically accuse them of being Al-Shabaab.

Did it ever occur to you that the Somalis are on the receiving end of terror groups more that we are? The chairperson of the National Cohesion and Integration Commission, Mr. Kibunjia, put it in a very smart way that challenged me. He gave the example of Mungiki who are mainly young Kikuyus, yet they perpetrate violence and ills against their own. This made me realise that if there is any single community that would want Al-Shabaab wiped out, it is the Somalis, on the Kenyan side and Somalia side because they suffer the most.

Look at what SLDF did to its own community in Mount Elgon!

We have no right, absolutely no right nor authority or obligation to victimise Somalis for what a few bad elements have done or are doing. Unless of course, we are also ready to be judged by the same measure. And then almost every Kenyan will be an outlaw.

 Are you prepared to be referred to as Mungiki, SLDF, Chinkororo, jeshi la mzee and whatever else a minute fraction of your community calls themselves? I believe nobody is.

It is the different ethnicity, different cultures that blend into the beautiful rainbow that is Kenya. Let’s keep it that way!

Oh, and there’s nothing as ‘Kenyan of Somali origin’, there are just Kenyan Somalis !

November 1, 2011

Embrace your inner girl
TerryNovember 1, 2011 0 comments