September 29, 2011

A pleasant surprise
TerrySeptember 29, 2011 0 comments

 Today has been an exceptional day. Getting greater things than I had expected is certainly a bucket load of sunshine.
I had applied for a position in campus as part of a year-long committee that presents the opportunity of a lifetime. The interview was rigorous and I gave it my best. I knew I did well so I expected to get the position. What I had not anticipated was to be recommended for a higher post, heck! the highest post!
When the news was broken to me, I couldn't believe. I kept thinking it was a dream and soon I'd be back on earth, that was until I saw my name on all campus noticeboards in bold. What a feeling! I felt like I could fly.
I entered class and my colleagues referred me by my new title; being called editor-in-chief in a journalism class is an honour and trully humbling.
I am grateful for the panel seeing the potential in me.  Brace yourselves for the best yearbook ever! and that's a promise.

Now faith means that we are confident of what we hope for, convinced of what we do not see.
Hebrew 11:1

Being great doesn’t necessarily mean being impressive, or being obsessive, or being anything other than how you sincerely wish to be. Being great means being great at being you.

September 24, 2011

Magic formulas and Marriage
TerrySeptember 24, 2011 0 comments

To the best of my knowledge, last weekend is the second time that Pastor Chris Ojgibani has been to Kenya. He is the founder of Covenant Singles and Married Ministries, a non-denominational marriage ministry. 
Being a staunch christian, I try not to comment of people who are in the purpose of the great commission but as a human being, I often fail.
I do not want to comment on the man of God, after-all I am not the one who called him, rather on his message. Read it here .
Pastor Chris at Nyayo Stadium
His message is not as controversial as I expected it to be. I do not however agree with some of his interpretations of the Bible and some doctrine matters here and there. You do not have to be a theologian to know the story of Adam and Eve, do you?
Moving along ... Here's my own dose of Quick tips on getting a spouse - Terry's magic formula.

One. To the people who were at the stadium: If you are serious in your quest for a mate, please please look the part. That is,  no stained teeth, no two month-old hairstyles, etc etc. I'm not being mean here, just honest. I saw you on TV-ooh. 
To the rest of y'all single people,
  • Be open minded. If someone , including friends, asks you out on a date or to an event e.g. wedding, party, accept it. You never know what you might find out about that person that you didn't already know or meet someone through them. This especially goes out to my dear friend (unajijua). BTW, you can throw a party and tell friends to come with friends. However, be careful of wierdos.
  • Go to where other single people are. You don't need me to give you suggestions, do you? 
  • Go to watch a game in a bar or other decent establishment where there are potential future mates. Without naming names, y'all know the popular female sports authority on radio? She's now married thanks to the power of sports.
  • Volunteer your time and skills. No wonder this is mandatory at my university, kumbe they know a thing or two on hooking up people, lol! Anyway, people who are prepared to give a little of themselves often very caring people, capable of passion and commitment. If you meet someone there, you've found a gem. If not, continue to good. karma will be good to you.
  • 2012 is around the corner. Join a political party and be active in the campaign.This is a good way to find a  responsible citizen, hopefully a date with whom you have something in common. If it does not work, you will have at least widened your circle of friends possibly in high places. 
  • Join evening or graduate classes. Yeees! You know college / uni is mixed unless ofcourse the name suggests otherwise. So, apart from learning something new, this is a potential hunting ground. You can also join a gym as a complementary strategy, mmhhmm, beauty and brains ! 
  • Above all, you can show someone you are interested in them and if the feeling is mutual, someway, somehow, the universe will be aligned for the two of you to be together.
  • If someone else is interested in your catch, up your mental game and strategy. Fight off the competition(s), not physically, not verbally, just be smart. DO NOT be psycho!


September 18, 2011

The blue pick-up of yore
TerrySeptember 18, 2011 0 comments

 I don't know why I suddenly thought of a particular recurring 'ceremony' in my earlier life. No, not before my re-incarnation, I don't believe in that, but in my teenage years.
My neighbour had this blue Peugeot 405 pick-up that woke up the whole village whenever he tried to start it. We could tell when he was leaving and when he got back, usually to get feed for his cows and pigs, an ardent and successful farmer he was, and still is.
You would think that the rumbling of the blue truck infuriated the neighbourhood. No, it didn't, rather it was a blessing. Being an agricultural area and the market centre being a distance, the pick-up came in handy not just for the owner, but the whole neighbourhood as well. It was the only vehicle of its kind for a long time and the owner was and still is a kind-hearted christian gentleman and his equally pleasant wife. One of the few rural women who knew how to drive them days.
The blue pick-up helped neighbours ferry their produce to the market and sacks of animal feed and planting seeds from the market. All this at the cost of just making an arrangement with the owner, that's all.
A majority of the neighbours now own their own, but the blue pick-up remains special. It was the stepping stone to a better life.
I'm sure this recount has a moral of the story, just can't think of one at the moment. I'll let you know as soon as I see it clearly in my mind. What lesson can we learn from the blue pick-up from my teenage?

Oh, I know why I remembered the old pick-up. On Friday I saw a similar coloured pick-up driving ahead of me on Friday afternoon. This one though was a true vintage. Judging from its number plate, and owner, it's about 26 years old and still on the road ig good condition. Remember what the bible says about wine getting better with age?

Enjoy your treasures this week!

September 15, 2011

TerrySeptember 15, 2011 0 comments

Here I am intent on writing about the past two weeks, about how my daughter and I turned a year older (we share a birthday, different decades though) as well as about my classes this semester and hang ups from the previous, but this song won't get off my mind, it's rolling off my tongue so I'll let it have its way. Hope you like it as much as I do. ( I love classics). Play it loud!

hasta pronto mis amigas