Yesterday I got an unexpected disappointment, not that there are some that are expected but sometimes you don't have full hope in yourself or someone else or something so the outcome doesn't shock you.
When you do the best you can and signs indicate to red but the outcome is orange, then that's a disappointment, probably a setback to a goal you had.
The setback really pained me. As a human being, I went on to demonize the person and situation involved and celebrated the fact that I am fully aware of a certain endeavour that didn't go according to their wishes, good payback but so unlike me to celebrate someone’s failure especially since we've been on good terms - until now.
Thank you God for blessing me with a wonderful hubby because as soon as I shared my sorrows with Mr., I felt completely offloaded and free of all bad/negative feelings.
Now am feeling much better and see the setback as an opportunity to take responsibility and rethink my strategies after all, there's a light at the end of every dark tunnel.
I searched the net on dealing with setbacks and got some pointers on how to deal with setbacks.
ü Don’t be passive in tackling the setback nor heap all the blame on others. Come to terms with the setback and start planning your next move. Ask for help if and when need be.
Bounce back. Reassess your goals re-evaluate them as necessary.
ü Rather than focusing the setback(s), think about what is positive. Put a smile back on your face, feel good and look to tomorrow - a chance to start over and do it right.
ü See success in your mind's eye success. Adopt a positive attitude to help you stay motivated to work on making improvements. Encourage yourself, it will take time and effort, but it's well worth it!
You don’t have to be perfect; after all, nobody else is but you owe it to yourself to do and be the best you can be to avoid self pity and regret when you encounter a disappointment / setback.