May 31, 2011

It's been a week, huh!
TerryMay 31, 2011 0 comments

Last Monday I started on a mission of healthy eating and on Tuesday added exercise to fuel the success of this lifestyle. Today is the one week anniversary of my journey.
I have fully adapted to a routine that av tailor-made and I'm loving it! 
When I started jogging, my thighs and calfs hurt a lot, but I vowed not to go back to my past ways when I'd use this as an excuse to miss the next session and now they are synergized with my mind, no more pain, every part of me seems to have realized I am in this for the long haul !
Everyday I try to add a new stretch or workout to my regiment for wholesome fitness.
Cutting out junk from my diet has not been as a mountainous task as I thought it would. I can safely pass by the candy isles in the supermarket with no tamaa (craving) at all.
Sticking to 'just enough' portions has been quite uphill though especially with the Sunday night pilau and chicken but a girl can indulge guilty free once in a week, can't she? I try to make makeup for this with lots on veggies and salads on the side and during the rest of the days. Oh, and I've taken to water like a fish, ha!
The internet has been a resource of great help to me in my quest for optimal health though some info can be conflicting and controversial, so I have to kinda sieve through and get what is realistic (most especially in Africa) and works for me.
I'm loving the resilience and strong resolve I have developed in the course of that one week because it ultimately means a healthy family for me since I influence the food choices everybody in my family makes. Wow, I'm really a powerful woman kumbe !

I have plotted out my goals, envisioned my success, become my own greatest cheerleader,affirmed my self-belief and will definitely follow through with my goals as advised by an article I came across on Yahoo! and now am basking in Moments and Bliss! 

Buenos dias mis amigos, Blessings!

May 28, 2011

Football + Me = ?????
TerryMay 28, 2011 0 comments

I don't understand football (soccer) at all, probably never  will. What's with all the obsession especially with the European leagues?
Even my cousin-sister whose core entertainment is Nollywood movies seems to have converted.
Mr. who feels nada about it ( I hear it's called 'The beautiful game') is sprawled on the couch catching up with the Barcelona vs Man U game neither is my 7 year son sleeping early today.
Tell me people, where's the fun in watching men running around to get a ball into a net? There must be something otherwise the twenty two wouldn't be paid those obscenely huge amounts  of pounds.
The only sport I watch is athletics for various reasons:
  • The rules are simple
  • There's no referee
  • The start and stop points are clear
  • There are no interrupting whistles
  • Kenya will always win; I long for the moment the National Anthem plays
  • amongst other many reasons
 Anyone willing to tutor me on Football 101.

Buena suerte en Barcelona, estoy apostando por vosotros. Ir a los niƱos!

May 27, 2011

TerryMay 27, 2011 0 comments

I feel like a brand new woman, with no junk, no baggage, no garbage. Yenyewe am impressed by me. Starting on a healthy lifestyle is so refreshing, a challenge nonetheless (like yesterday was). It takes a lot of discipline, not gobbling down that packet of crisps ..... huh! 
I started jogging on Tuesday with a new found friend and I love the early morning fresh air, it's doing wonders for my heart, my soul and ofcourse the arch of my back though my thighs and calfs by their aches beg to differ but am sure they'll soon come round.

May 23, 2011

The step to a journey.
TerryMay 23, 2011 0 comments

"je unajua kucheleweshwa si kunyimwa, tena kungojea huzaa kuvumilia?" This line is from a song by one of my favourite song writers / musician Joan Wairimu. It loosely translates to delay is not denial, patience breeds resilience.
I told you HERE that I'll start a detox program today. Well, I did, one tailor-made for me by me. I don't want to jump the gun, I must say it's not half as bad as I anticipated though consuming two litres of water kept me peeing almost every half hour during the first half of the day and hourly in the afternoon. I put lemon slices in my water so it was very palatable, infact, I loved it. Usually water consumption for me is a problem but today I even had to refill in campus. Gracias Adios the lemon still had it's flavour and scent.
I didn't fill hungry as I thought I would be, wouldn't even have noticed because nothing was strong enough to compete with my frequent urge to "short call".
It may have taken me a long time to start a healthy lifestyle revolution but am not discouraged, it will happen soon enough. It's a journey which will teach me patience (which am not!) and resilience. Oh! and am so proud of myself for avoiding all the glaring junk temptations, *pat on the back*.
I am starting jogging tomorrow to complete the revolution, even got a jogging mate !

and this is a dedication to all my junk foods and unhealthy habits. Yeah, I will survive.

May 22, 2011

Going on Detox.
TerryMay 22, 2011 0 comments

Yesternight I was watching a talk show on TV and one of the co-hosts mentioned about the apple detox and how wonderful it is. It sounded interesting and I thought I'd like to try it some day after all I'd like to know why all the fuss about detoxes.
Well, today I decided to check what the apple detox is all about. There are acres of print online devoted to it, all very positive reviews so much so am thinking about starting it as soon as tomorrow. Problem is, one is advised to prepare for it by eating lightly the day prior to starting, mmmhhh!!!  yet av just taken a plateful of fries ati to enjoy my last "sinful" day but I guess I can make up by avoiding a big "last supper" and instead have a fruit or vegetable salad.
I had told you HERE how much I need to therapy myself against unhealthy eating. The time is now. 
This time am set for the long haul, I'll let you know how it goes.

May 18, 2011

A Coca Cola-stic day
TerryMay 18, 2011 2 comments

Sometime back, there was a joke doing the rounds that our former president met the Queen of England and she said to him "It's fantastic to meet you" He thought her favourite soda was Fanta and since his was Coke, he replied "It's cocacolastic to meet you too" ha ha ha !

Any who, today we (Public Relations Club) spent the afternoon at the Coca Cola offices in Nairobi participating in a session themed It's our brand too. The aim was to understand what teens and young adults look for in brands that are relevant to them. It was quiet an interactive forum with students from two other universities taking part.
We were picked by a shuttle from town, provided with packed lunch and soft drinks as we were driven to Upper Hill where the offices are located. I felt celeb-ish.
At the offices, we were warmly received and I must say this company has a wonderful, relaxed corporate culture. No wonder they rake in such huge profits!
when I grow up, I want to work at Coca Cola.
The three universities present made great presentations and if I may say so myself, going by the thunderous applause, Ernest Wamboye and I made our colleagues and university proud.

and we had lots of fun too .......

It was an awesome session and I believe fruitful after all, Coca Cola got to learn what their customers want, by listening to them.

how was your day?

May 16, 2011

Neanderthal marriages (part 3) - Samuel Wanjiru commits suicide.
TerryMay 16, 2011 0 comments

It's a sad day for the sports fraternity in Kenya and the world over. The demise of world marathon champion Samuel Wanjiru has shocked a lot of people. I first heard the news at around 6:30am, my first thought was to get online and share my 2 cents on how stupid this talented fellow was to have taken his own life leaving others to squander all that he had worked so hard to accumulate but I thought it wise to hold my horses until I got more info on what transpired.

The Late Samuel Wanjiru at the 2008 Olympics

The more I thought about this incident, I empathize with him and whatever it is he may have been going  through. The guy may actually have had more issues apart from the fame or fortune getting to his head, may be we'll never know.
I had previously written about his domestic wrangles HERE and it seems like things got way too much for him to handle. It seems the supposed reconciliation with his wife, Triza Njeri did not improve matters on the home front, at least not in the long term.
I'd like to marry this incident with another that also happened over the weekend. A police constable attached to Parklands Police Station quarreled with his boss. He (the constable) shot his boss, injured another colleague before turning the gun on himself. Fellow officers say the constable had marital meetings which had prompted a family meeting to resolve the row.

I don't know what is happening to the institution of marriage and by extension family in Kenya lately. The domez have become too much and a lot more is now at stake. Seriously, I can't even begin to comprehend what's up but one school of thought that I subscribe to is if and when you feel overwhelmed by a relationship or any issue for that matter, take a step back and reassess your position in that situation.

I know seeking counsel from professional counselors / psychologists / psychiatrist is not what we do as Kenyans, as Africans, more so our men who feel like they have it all together. This is one channel that we should engage to try and lessen the burdens if life and if it fails, then we can walk away sane and alive.

R.I.P Samuel Wanjiru

May 15, 2011

Challenging me.
TerryMay 15, 2011 2 comments

I am currently reading the book An enemy called average by John L. Mason. It's about launching to the top and being on the offensive of mediocrity. He describes Mediocrity as compromise, indecision, being held up / stuck by / or in the past and a lack of vision.

 I've just come from church and the preacher was challenging us to get out of our comfort zones and claim all what God has in store for us. Her message was based on a priest in the old testament,  Eli who said or did nothing as his sons went on and on doing evil things through out the land and when the Lord sent Samuel to tell him that he and his household will perish as a result, he (a high priest,  mind you) did not even call his household to repent or at least plead to God on their behalf. He took an 'Amen' attitude, sat and waited to die after all The Almighty said so. The priest knowing that God is all merciful and can forgive sins as black as charcoal didn't take any action to seek forgiveness. What a shame! what mediocrity!

Before I become all self righteous, I also slug in some cases yet I know I only have the power to take the necessary action. I use human nature to justify my weaknesses yet deep down I know am not living up to my potential, settling for average and mediocre.

Time and time again, the Doctor has told me I need to shed off quite a number of kilos. When am in that office, you should see me, huh! with a deep resolve to hit the gym, take up sports, heeeeeee! The first thing I do when I get home on such occasions is to Google weightloss and similar sites then as the days go by, I convince myself that it's in the genes, I come from a lineage of plus-sized people, why would I be any different??  I forget there's a time I was 66Kgs which is actually my ideal weight.
I need to therapy myself against all things sweet, all things deep fried, all things refined etc etc, the list is long.

There are lots of other issues that I slack on but am now challenging myself, I don't want to sit down and wait for death like Eli. I want to rise above my comfort zones. I come across the '6 x 1 = 6' formula in the book, it might just be the remedy. I'll try

have a blissful week

May 12, 2011

Summer reader.
TerryMay 12, 2011 0 comments

There's a time I used to write a lot, when I was in high school and I was good at it then I went onto a different path , different course  parallel to what I'd always dreamed of but now am back on track.
No wonder I started keeping this blog, to build up my passion for writing. God's gifts are irrevocable so I believe I have it in me to write exceptional articles.
To help my quest, I realize it is paramount  to read widely so I made the decision to read beyond academics from this month henceforth in order to understand various writing styles, genres as well as build my vocabulary, and above all, expand my knowledge to / in various fields.
In addition to my favourite authors, am trying others, known and unknown.
From late last week to yesterday, I've been reading this book:

It's a true story about a child's life long suffering and her eventual overcoming of it all, recovering from her suicidal tendencies and onto a life where she is secure, confident and a 'saviour' of future generations in similar circumstances. It's a shockingly sad story but with light at the end of the very dark tunnel; a story of suffering yet full of hope.
I'm already reading another book, will share about it later!

Buernas tardes !

May 10, 2011

Affrimative action !!
TerryMay 10, 2011 0 comments

The week, yah I know it's been only two days, is going well and No! the title doesn't mean I started some feminist movement rather it's my state of mind to people, to opinions and to situations. In my about me on this blog, I write that "I love life, I strive to see the positive in all situations". I strive to abide by this mantra though sometimes it can be quiet a challenge.
Why the long story? At my campus, one has the liberty to select courses based on their needs, time and Lecturer. This is a wonderful system as it enables one attend to their other responsibilities at a pace and schedule comfortable to them. Unfortunately, some students form a habit of avoiding Lecturer's who they perceive as strict or demanding. It may be a good thing to some but I think it's unfair to judge someone on people's perceptions or just one incident.
Yesterday, a number of my 'to-be' colleagues dropped the journalism class I had today simply because they heard from the previous class the guy taught, 3/4 of them flanked and had to repeat the course. Is this a good enough/valid reason? From my affirmative mind action, HELL NO! Often you get the grade you deserve, you can't plant mediocrity, copy-paste, last minute rushes and expect to come out 'flying with colours' Never ever!
I know, I know, sometimes you work so hard but shit happens in the exam room but if you are a good student, it's easy to request the instructor for a 'make-up' assignment or remedial lesson.
Then again, there are Lecturers who are plain sadists, I know one. He has senselessly under-graded me twice despite being my exemplary student (if I must say so myself). Gave me no opportunity to remedy my errors or atleast extra work to compensate. Yeah, this version is not objective, coz that's a relative concept, neither does it have a right of reply, coz it's my blog not his, ha ha!
Let me justify this, it makes no sense to PRETEND all that has been learned in a semester, which is loads, can be COMPETENTLY evaluated in one and a half hours, in three to six questions ???? eish! Maybe all exams should include random oral exams to gauge how well the subject has been understood.
All that regardless, it's still wrong to see someone through other peoples' often judgmental eyes. I actually thought today's Lecturer to be a nice man and above all, backed by his academic and professional background to be qualified beyond reproach.
And to all those who dropped the class, who knows? You could have been among the 1/4 who passed the class.

Allow your most positive, affirming feelings to fill your awareness.
— Ralph Marston

May 9, 2011

Summer, oh, Summer !
TerryMay 9, 2011 0 comments

uToday you get to grow stronger by dealing with new and unique challenges ............. Today you can envision a dream and then immediately start working to bring that dream to life.
— Ralph Marston

The above text is an excerpt from today's motivator on the  which is one of my favourite sites of all times. Read full motivator:
I got some disappointment in my last semester's grades but today marks a new day, a new semester, a new chance to do better and improve on  my GPA. 
As I read the motivator, I felt like Ralph  Marston was speaking to me, re-enforcing my resolve to get over the B and work towards my summa cum laude goals. I'm shaking loose the disappointment and getting set for abundant knowledge and above all, enjoying my classes.
I had two class sessions and am so looking forward to summer semester. My Poetry across cultures class is gonna be awesome so will Introduction to Print Media . I like lecturers who get one to think beyond what one already knows, lecturers who are open to varied opinion amongst other qualities and the above two possess them.
I'm looking forward to a fruitful semester in and out of class. I can't wait to fly, I'm alive.

I'm off to read Songs of Songs in the Bible. It think the content will be useful for my poetry class.


May 8, 2011

TerryMay 8, 2011 2 comments

Usually when I start exhibiting signs of inconsistency or 'slow down' it's because I'm experiencing bloggers block, which am not, in fact I have so much to write about or procrastination, which by the way I have since fully recovered, Amen ! but this time it's none of the above rather one of my internet 'switches' blew on Monday probably due to KPLC's random blackouts. The other options have flaws; 3G is kinda expensive, I'm feeling the pinch right now and my phone can't handle large contents, it falls in the category Kenyans call mulika mwizi, ha ha !!
My internet provider has been trying to get the damn 'thingy' hope he gets it tomorrow.
Tomorrow is the beginning of a new semester, summer semester. Incidentally coming up are Kenya's coldest months, so much for summer, huh!
 I miss blogging, can't wait for that switch.

A wonderful Mother's day!

May 2, 2011

Neanderthal marriages (part 2)
TerryMay 2, 2011 0 comments

Today, it has all been about Osama's death, I don't know whether to ululate in jubilation or not. All media houses, local and International have the same headline story. Well, this is a story that definitely is of high interest. Unfortunately, one of our local scribes is not here to hear nor tell this story. Wambui Kabiru was murdered by her husband, a fellow member of the fourth estate, after what their househelp says was a minor disagreement, so minor she didn't think much of it at the moment, neither did the other tenants in the housing flat hear any scuffles.
The guy then called his relatives and in-laws to inform them of what he had done and when police came to collect the body, it was obviously a case of murder by strangulation.
It saddens me that any woman should have to die or at the very least suffer at the hands of her very significant other, in this case barely two years into a marriage.
The caretaker of the building describes the late Wambui and her husband as a loving couple, did all that change with a minor argument ? 
The man's uncle said the couple once went to him for help / guidance in resolving some domestic misunderstandings mainly perpetuated by the man, do the misunderstandings justify this course of action? 
As I said HERE,  if you trully feel the squabbles between you and your spouse are irreconcilable or getting out of hand, kindly take a bag and pack your stuff and anyone/anything you'd like to take with you and leave with your character, dignity and respect intact, that way, if ever the two of you get back together, there shall be no ill-feelings and underlying mischief, boundaries will have been established and if not, you will not land in jail for your stupid actions on another human being.
And I still maintain marriage is a wonderful institution that should fill you with joy & happiness, companion & friendship, partnership & security and all the good things that God intended it to be. It has some downs too but mostly ups. Trust me, I have been married to the same man for nine (9) years and I know what am talking about. 
From the facebook posts I have seen, single people are getting jittery about this holy institution from all the crazy shit that marriages have been dragged through.

I say again, If you are married, make a resolution to enjoy life with your spouse. If you are single, forget the shit fools do, marriage is great.

The late Wambui Kabiru and her spouse in happier times. what happened?