April 29, 2011

Lunch with cuz.
TerryApril 29, 2011 0 comments

I told you yesterday HERE that I was to have lunch with my cousin-sister. Well, I did. It was awesome, I haven’t had fish in a long time and I enjoyed it. I even got to meet her boyfriend who av only been hearing about, a nice young man I must say. 

yummy x 40 !!! 

 I didn't like the 'metal' plate though but WTH, it's downtown Nairobi and the contents were delish !!

My 'lunch date' Cousin, Tracy

yours trully ready for 'fish justice'

I told you it was delicious !!

April 28, 2011

Back to life
TerryApril 28, 2011 0 comments

I gave my househelp a week off for Easter to be with her family and Oh did I miss her !! Yours trully had to deal with the cooking, cleaning, kids and all household chores et al. I love cooking, you know I do, but cleaning dishes just kills me. Thank God schools are closed and there were 3 high schoolers in my house to do that.
My wonderful househelp came back yesterday, now it's holiday time for me.
I've been surfing all morning, now I have all the time to do that. I got out of bed at 7:55am to get breakfast and was back by 8:15am, three and a half hours later am still online.

http://www.essence.com is one of my latest favourite sites. I came across mob articles on Jill Scott who I loved in Tyler Perry's why did I get married? and why did I get married too? isn't she gorgeous?

The only reason I have to part with my laptop this morning is because I have a lunch date with my cousin-sister.

April 23, 2011

I am blessed
TerryApril 23, 2011 0 comments

My kids sometimes drive me up the wall, so does Mr. I'm sure sometimes they feel the same way about me too. Yet, I love them to bits and am sure they love me too.
As I sit here ignoring their(kids) high decibel play, oblivious to my need for silence when watching my favourite soap  Ooooh this Jose Miguel guy is so HOT I realize how blessed I am to have a wonderful family.

A blessed Easter !

April 18, 2011

A reading culture
TerryApril 18, 2011 0 comments

In one of my last broadcast classes, the lecturer lamented that students no longer wrote well, creatively and keenly. One of the prominent reasons is that of a dying reading culture beyond the classroom fueled by the sms / facebook shorthand language.
I have decided to develop good and consistent reading habits to avert this crisis, at least from within. That's why we've (my kids and I) have taken up membership at our local library; access to five floors of all genres. I studied for my exams at the library last week and I loved it mucho mucho. Today I took the kids for their first ever lib. session and they loved it, infact they didn't want to leave. I'm a lucky Momma !!.


We've found a new way to hang out together and bond ........ over books.

April 16, 2011

Chilled .........
TerryApril 16, 2011 0 comments

There are many thing I meant to do today but I won't, not because I'm procrastinating again !! neither am I feeling moodless or lazy bum-ish, NO, I just won't because I can.

I should be getting ready for a wedding at my shagz but I'm not,
I'd planned to do some banking today but that can wait till Monday,
My hair needs to be plaited but not now,
There's a book I wanted to read at my local library, ------------------------------

I just feel like my mind needs to take a 'spring break' this weekend then normal life will resume on Monday, I will be completely passive today and tomorrow, I'm not following any plan, que sera sera (what will be will be) psssshhhhh !! ........ my kids don't know.

April 12, 2011

An afternoon of Proverbs
TerryApril 12, 2011 0 comments

I found a very interesting ka-book at the Kenya National Library this afternoon. It has proverbs from all over the world and their meanings. And yeah ! it's so little, pocket sized infact, but it's a philosophy power-book

I plan to borrow it after am done with exams, probably Friday when my spring holiday begins. A peek preview ......... some of the interesting proverbs I came across as i flipped  through,

He who likes cherries soon learns to climb -- German proverb

Never let your education interfere with your intelligence -- American proverb

Money has no smell -- English proverb

Camels, fleas and princes exist everywhere -- Persian proverb
Spring is sooner recognized by plants than by men -- Chinese proverb

An elephant does not die of one broken rib -- African proverb

God writes straight with crooked lines -- Portuguese proverb

April 10, 2011

It's all in the lips
TerryApril 10, 2011 2 comments

Disclaimer : I'm no fashion/style guru so take my advice at your own risk.

At the beginning of the year I decided to try out a few new things in 2011, make-up/fashion/style wise and yeah! I have tried, some drastic, some mild. For instance, I highlighted streaks of my hair then 'hennad' it, the result is amazing (though I think henna rinses out with each weekly wash), I've been 'dressing' and 'skirting' a lot lately and going by the many comments plus ofcourse the woman in the mirror and the hot feeling inside, it's working.
Now to the subject, I have also been 'lipsticking'. Usually I just do black eye pencil I have very beautiful eyes if I may say so myself and NO! I don't wear contact, God blessed me and my kids with very brown pupils.
Back to lipstick, recently I meet people and they're like "did your skin tone change overnight? You look lighter" mmmmmmmmhhhhm, No it didn't. I'll tell y'all the secret av been keeping to myself .....brown lipstick, Yes, that's it !!!
I bought a gold-ish shade and had been wearing it for about a week when my friend Maureen Ombar said to me "You know what would really look good on you? very brown lipstick". MO is a lipstick guru so guess what I did that evening when I got home? 
I found one, not so dark but I decided to buy it anyway. When I wore it the following day, the skin shade/tone Qs started. One of my very good friends, Jane actually called me point 5.
I thought it must be something in their water or their eyesight  until one day we (journalism club) were taking impromptu photos and after we were done Jane said unfortunately I had forgotten to apply the .5 lipstick. That was when it hit me .....byamnn!! The answer was in the 'trial and error' Ksh. 50 signature lipstick #30.
I've been experimenting lately to get opinions/comments, yeah ! that's it.
If you are what we Kenyans love to call brown, try some brown lipstick and tell me if you get the same reactions and Qs as I do.
you can 'bless' me with this Bobby Brown one
If you see me kinda prominent pointie faced, blame it on the lipstick.

Buenas Tardes !

April 7, 2011

There's a new Aunt in town
TerryApril 7, 2011 0 comments

My small bro. has a two month old baby girl. I haven't seen her since she was born because her and her Mommy were living in a different town but now they've relocated to Nairobi to live with their Daddy & hubby.
Today, My Mom and I decided to surprise visit. My daughters and son came along to see "ka-Muthoni kadogo" (Little Muthoni). They were so excited and talked about seeing her about all the way till we got there.
When I saw her (my niece), I felt all warm inside and a little broody, LOL !!!
Isn't she lovely ?

the Muthonis
  my daughter was crying to go home with her
excited cousins

Baby & yours truly, the new Aunt in town.

April 5, 2011

procrastination galore
TerryApril 5, 2011 0 comments

Do not wait; the time will never be "  just right" --Napoleon Hill
 I've just come across the above quote in this month's issue of the TRUE LOVE E.A. magazine as I was sitting in my car waiting for the library to open while thinking of how much revision ground I have to cover by the end of this week so that next week am fully prepared for the end of semester exams.
You see, I am a big procrastinator. I have tried ridding myself of this weakness but often stumble and fall. Knowing how much detailed my courses this semester are, I should have tackled lots of it bits by bits and right now it should have been just flipping through but Oh NO !! I had to wait until the very last moment and yet intend to keep my GPA at not less that 3.9 / 4 as it is now. I told you am a big procrastinator not anymore though now that av recognized that, healing begins. Is the a P.A. (Procrastinators Anonymous) ?? There should be. That quote will be my knight in shining Armour in my moments of weakness, it will help me shake loose all excuses.
Gotta go if I'm to finish the pile of work av set for today.
Blessings and bliss, mmmwwwwwaaaaahhhh !!

April 1, 2011

fooled twice
TerryApril 1, 2011 0 comments

1. At 7: 30 this morning, I bought a newspaper and wooooooooooooowh !!! apparently Maria and Shaffie are now engaged, WTF. I believed it hook, line and sinker after-all celebs have lots of drama. About 7 hours later is when I realised it's bluff after I logged on to facebook and saw friends commenting about what a good April fools story it was.

2. My friend sms's me that she's been arrested and taken to Parklands police station and she needs me to send her credit to call a cop-friend to go bail her out. I check my balance,  @##%$ I have only 10 bob and am at a place I can't get credit. I sms her my regrets and pray that all goes well.
I meet up with my friends for lunch and we're talking about the foolings, and guess what? that sms has been widely forwarded and circulated. Shock on me again !!!

did you 'fool' ? do tell.